Monday, July 30, 2012

TACO Story

I had this great idea the other day as I was working with paper plates in my classroom. The idea was that a paper plate folded in half looked like a taco. So then the idea of TACO Story popped in my brain. Here is how it would go. You will need the following: paper plate, brown construction paper, green paper, red paper and yellow.

Fold the plate in half to look like this.

Take the brown construction paper and write Topic on it like in the image and cut.

Now take the green construction paper and write characters on it and cut to look like lettuce.

Take red construction paper and write Setting on it and cut wavy.

Last take yellow paper and write PLOT on it. and cut. 

Now take all of the parts and layer to make your TACO.

Lastly, put all of it together and now you have a TACO Story!!!

Students will write in each part of the story for each ingredient in the taco to retell the story. I think students will have fun getting to make a TACO about their story!! You can use it in centers or guided reading. It would work well with common core.

I would love for you to leave a comment about this and let me know what you think. Please feel free to pin.

Technology Is Awesome

I am currently on my new MacBook Air that will sync my iPads for my classroom. It is so amazing how little something can be and be so amazing. Learning how to add apps and sync them to the iPads is a great experience. This will be an amazing resource for my classroom and STUDENTS!!!! These elements of technology will be a valuable asset for  teaching 21st century skills. This is the technology generation and we must provide them the resources necessary to prepare them for their future here and globally. I am very excited about having these resources for my students to take advantage of in their learning. I have also been pinning technology pins on Pinterest that deal with technology and iPads. You can see my pins on my Pinterest account. Pinterest is a great place for loads of resources for educators. I have gain some value tools to use in my class this year. Here is to a great year with technology in your classroom.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Practice Some Facts

If you are in need of some cute flashcards for your students to practice their multiplication facts 0-9, then look no farther. You can get these cute flashcards right here from me. I made these for my students to use in 3rd grade this year. I hope it will very helpful to them. They can do alone or with a partner.

I am new to teaching third grade this coming school year after teaching 2nd grade the past 6 years. So it will be a change for me. I am trying to make things to use in third grade. SO please come back and check my store and blog for updates on room and products.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Classroom

These are pictures of my new classroom after a fresh painting. I will be posting pictures as my room comes along. I am currently working on the plans and layout for this coming school year. I am excited about getting to start with a clean slate. I always love planning my classroom for a new school year. I am like a kid in a candy store with school supplies!!! Come back again and again to see the changes as they are made in  the setup for my new 3rd grade classroom.

After lots of hard work it is finally finished!!! I love how it turned out. Now the fun stuff DECORATING!!! I am using the Dots on Turquoise. I picked my paint colors from the paisley design in the borders. My curtains are the green with dots. I am super excited to get busy with my new 3rd grade room.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Finding My Way in a Sea of Apps!

These past days during my training at Pinnacle, I have been having fun getting familiar with the iPad for my classroom. The people in my group are awesome. It was so valuable to meet them and be apart of this journey together. I have made some lifelong friends. We had the opportunity to share with each other apps that we thought would be great to use with our students. We only had the one iPad that is designated to the teacher but will have 5 more for students to use. It is so overwhelming, like a sea of apps that I am having to swim through to find what I feel will be the most beneficial to my students. Once I get my classroom roster, I will even have a better understanding of what apps can be most valuable for my 3rd graders. Many of these students I had the year before in 2nd grade. This will be important for me to already know how these students work and their knowledge of computers. I am super excited that the iPads will be a great asset to my classroom and most importantly for my students. I will post about the advantages of having them and the progress that my students achieve.