Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Common Core

For those of you that are already working with Common Core, give me any tips, suggestions, or any information that was the most helpful to you. My school will be implementing Common Core in 2012 - 2013 school year.  So this is our training year. I am interested in getting information straight from you pros, who are already teaching with Commn Core. love to get any info. you would share.


  1. I have worked on the Alaska State Standards extensively and when I look at the Common Core they seem very similar. They are general standards that all students SHOULD be able to do by age_____ or grade______. Don't limit these stands to just reading, writing and language lessons. When you teach science, social studies and even math their are many reading, writng, language, speaking standards you can incorporate into those subjects. Also so many of the standards apply to everything so pick the ones that you want to focus on with your lessons.

  2. I have been using Common Core this year in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. I use Lucy Calkins Reading and Writing Workshop models which are supported by the Common Core. I have several posts about these on my blog. http://emhaywood.blogspot.com/search/label/reading%20workshop I am also presenting at the county Teaching and Learning conference this summer on using the Reading and Writing Workshops with ideas for shared reading as well as spelling. We have also been doing straight math Investigations (no envision!) and it is very inline with the common core. If you want more info about any of these let me know!

    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.
