Monday, May 21, 2012

End of school is near

It is always bitter sweet for me when the end of the school year rolls around. It seems like 180 days will take forever but blink and it is almost gone. I have noticed the older I get the faster the year goes by. What are you feelings about this school year coming to an end. Will you be HAPPY it is over, or will you be SAD? Post any thoughts you have about the ending. Also, share ways to prepare your classroom for the summer. I would love to have you share for all to see.



  1. I am happy and sad about it ending. I love this group of students & do not want to see them go. However, I am in desperate need of a break, so in that respect I am happy!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I always start the last day of school really sad. But, as the day wears on and the children start to drive me bananas, suddenly, I'm not so sad anymore! LOL! I do miss them though! To prepare my room for summer, I pack things away very methodically so I have an easy time putting it all back out. Also, I wrap all my furniture in old tablecloths to keep my things safe on the inside. They're reusable year after year so I don't waste bulletin board paper to wrap it all up.

    Lori (
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. Lori, great idea about using tablecloths to cover with instead of paper. I am so bad at using paper to cover. I try to pack as much as I can in cabinets and on bookshelves.

    Lisa, I am
    Like you love my kiddos but I need a break!

  4. I am sad about school ending. I have one of those classes that you only get once or twice in a career, but they are ready to be super second graders. I will be wearing my sunglasses when they get on that bus come June 8th! Enjoy summer vacay when it arrives :)

    Kelley "Following You" Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  5. I always miss them a lot. I am busy with things to do, but when I leave with my room empty and no roster of students to start loving, I feel empty and sad!

    Sharing Kindergarten

  6. I agree! The longer I teach the faster the years pass by {although, sometimes it can't go by fast enough :) } I think that the feeling is always bitter-sweet. Every ending opens the door to a new beginning :)

  7. Lori,
    My last day of school was on Friday. It's hard knowing that I won't see them until next year and that when they return, I won't have the relationship with them that I had this year. I can say that I was proud of seeing them walk out the door, richer in knowledge because they were mine for a year. =) Bitter sweet.

    Best Practices 4 Teaching

  8. I am not sure how I will feel when the year is over. I am always happy for summer, but I do really enjoy my class. So bittersweet sometimes.

    Teaching in Room 6

  9. I agree with the bittersweetness!! Definitely cried last year (although our school was closing down so it was extra sad), but my kiddos this year have been amazing, so I'm sure I'll shed a few tears again!! I am excited for more time to blog and plan for next year over the summer though!!!

    Lessons with Laughter
