Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Days

Well my summer will have many days of training and learning new things for this coming school year. This past Monday and Tuesday, I was at Common Core training for my county. Next week, I will be attending Pinnacle Training all week, then some more at end of month. Then at the end of July into August I have Apple Training. With all that said, today I enjoyed not having to be anywhere. I did go to the hair salon to get my hair fixed. My mind has a load of things running around in it. I have a ton of new things for teaching next year to go with common core that I have to get a grasp of. Also, being moved to a different grade level and not knowing the curriculum on top of all the new materials to teach, has my brain on overload. I will be so ready for a week at the beach next month and people say teachers have their summers off. They do not even know the amount of time that we teachers invest in our classrooms. I have to move my entire classroom to another hallway and room at my school. Decorate and set it up before orientation night. Meet with the teachers on my grade level whom which most are like myself, being moved to this grade level. We have a lot of work ahead of us.


  1. Sounds like a very busy summer! Being a teacher definitely is not a 9 month job. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. Wow, you are BUSY! What is your new grade level?
    I just found your cute blog- stop by if you have a chance:
    Tori's Teacher Tips
