Friday, April 21, 2017

Spring Has Sprung

It is that time of year again for everything to start blooming and that brings on seasonal allergies. I love to see all of the pretty colors this time of year but the pollen does not agree with me. With that being said, I will take allergy medicine and enjoy the beauty around me.

I have been busy taking care of my daughter who has dislocated and broken both bones in her leg. This has given me a new understanding of how much we take for granted. She has to depend on my help for everything. She has been a trooper through this accident. I am proud of her strength and courage. While she is on recovery, she is completing the 2nd half of her last semester online at WCU. She will graduate this May with a degree in Biology.

This time away from my classroom has allowed me to create some new items. I have created Compound Word Puzzles.

You can check it out and see if you would like to use it in your classroom. 
Compound words are hard for some students to grasp. SO this is a great way to practice. 

Hope the seasonal allergies are not too rough for you. Enjoy your day and come back to my blog again.

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