During our Reader Workshop unit this month, we were focusing on fables. My students learned how to use Green Screen to create a short movie on a few fables we studied. We used the Doink app that is real easy to use. First, students worked on the Readers Theater script before we made the movie. We used props to display the characters in the fables and used images of the setting to make it seem realistic. Here is a pic of students using the green screen.
The students worked so well together.
This video is of Country Mouse City Mouse. Students has a blast learning how to use Green Screen with props to create this fable.
There was two groups working on fables with Readers Theater. The second group did The Fox and The Crow. Below you will see the short movie.
I think for our first time being movie makers, we did a fabulous job! The students really enjoyed getting to create them.
Seesaw allows you to add almost anything into the app or website. It creates a digital portfolio for my students and I can use it as a fast assessment tool. It has become one of the best ways that I can assess my students and also share their work with parents. Students love to share their work with others and this is a great method that allows the teacher to authorize before it is shared.