Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Toontastic Videos on Bullying
Students were working in collaborative groups creating a video about bullying to connect to our Rachel's Challenge. Students were actively working together to create each element of the story.
Click on the BLACK BOX and video will begin!!!!
Leave a comment on how you think these students did.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Free Winter Math Wonderland
Come get this quick center activity for students to practice 3-digit subtraction with regrouping. This is a fast center to create for your students. Just print, cut and laminate, then you're ready to go!!!
I hope you enjoy this resource as much as I will with my students. This is a great review for this skill for students to continue working with regrouping. Some of my third grade students need practice with this skill, so I made this for them. It is aligned to Common Core.
3rd grade,
place value,
Monday, October 29, 2012
Marble Roller Coasters
In our STEM lessons with forces and motion, students had to work together with materials to form a roller coaster. This took some engineering design and teamwork. The students had cardboard paper tubes of different sizes. The class was divided into two groups and they had to come up with a design and put it to action.
This group did a great job getting their marble through their roller coaster. The first day of working together didn't go so smooth, but day two was a success!
This group did a great job getting their marble through their roller coaster. The first day of working together didn't go so smooth, but day two was a success!
This was group 1 and in this picture we are missing a few of the members. But this group worked great together. They made a plan and put it to work.
Students enjoyed getting to work on this project with only a few materials and some teamwork. It was fun to see them in action. Science is a great way to have students working and learning in groups. Students got to experience what it would be like to design a roller coaster.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Ghoulish Math Fun
This is a great way for students to have fun working with math. The characters are so cute to see. Math with 3 digit and 4 digit numbers are in this activity. Students can work alone or together in pairs. Ghoulish math will have students working with number representation. I know this was an area that my students needed practice with. Numbers and place value can be tricky for some. Student have to show several ways how to represent the number.
Come get one for your little ghoul and goblins to try out in your math class today. Let your class have a GHOULISH time with Math!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Ipad Fun in School
Today, the students were in groups working with the iPads. The students got to play with a new app that I showed them whole class how to navigate. The app was TOONTASTIC.
This group was working on setting up their story with backdrops and characters. The group did a great job working together to get all the elements of the story completed.
These guys were great working together to come up with a great story line using the characters and motions that could be created with sounds.
This four group had a fun time using the app. It was a fun way to create a story and all were in the decision making process. My students are enjoying the iPads.
These kids had the best time out of all I think. They were really into getting the scenes setup for conflict, plot, characters and setting. Adding music was a great way to set the tone of the story. We are on the road to having great collaboration with each other and using technology in a whole new way.
Each group had a different take on making their story. This is definitely an app that I would recommend for educators to use. It comes with several scenes that are free and you can add more for .99 cents. The students loved it. They cant wait until they get to work with it again. I have them thinking of their own writing and how this will be a great tool to publish their stories.
3rd grade,
Common Core,
story elements,
Sunday, August 26, 2012
New Classroom Pictures
I have been hard at work getting my classroom ready for this school year. Here is a picture of my Daily 5 board. I think that it turned out really well.
Thanks to Pinterest, I was able to find these amazing Daily 5 posters with cute kids for my board.
I am excited about using Daily 5 in my classroom this year. I have tons of stuff pinned on my Daily 5 board on pinterest if you are looking for resources.
This image is of my reading area with my books sorted by AR level on the left book shelf and Genre on right book shelf. I love books and you can see that I have loads of them. I even did a good weeding of books this summer.
Students will be able to choose books for their book caddies easily from this wide selection. I have books for all levels from 0.9 to 7.5 in my 3rd grade classroom.
I love how this title for my Reading board for displaying student work turned out. Great work will be displayed here as we create and sharing amazing ideas about reading.
I will add more pictures as the next few days come and go with the start of school. We had Open House this past Friday and I had so many complements on my classroom and how great it looked. I had all but one student to show out of 22. I think that is amazing. Monday, August 27th is our first day with the kiddos.
I hope that you find resources and classroom design that can inspire you in your room.
3rd grade,
back to school,
class tour,
Daily 5,
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Classroom Progress Update
Here is an update on the progress in my new classroom. This first image is of my room after a fresh paint job and all my junk being moved in. It is so hard to believe how much you can collect in a classroom after 6 years. As I was packing up my room for the big move, I was decluttering and weeding out all the unneccessay items. I gave away tons or stuff and still I am frustrated at all that I still have.
As you can tell by all the stuff this is not the half or it, still more in the hallway. I moved all of it in all by myself. As I am setting up my classroom, I am getting rid of items that are only for 2nd grade now that I am in 3rd grade. I have been working all week in my room to get ready for my students. We have orientation on August 24th. I hope, I will have my room ready!!!
Check out this amazing bins I got for my book caddies.
A colleague found these on Craig's List for 50 cents each. They were a gray color and I spray painted them. I am going to add library pockets on them to write student's names. I think they turned out amazing. I picked colors out of my borders Dots on Turquoise that I am using. I will be posting more pictures as I get my classroom ready.
Come back and take a look and let me know what you think. I hope this will inspire you with getting your classroom ready for a new year.
3rd grade,
back to school,
class tour,
Monday, July 30, 2012
TACO Story
I had this great idea the other day as I was working with paper plates in my classroom. The idea was that a paper plate folded in half looked like a taco. So then the idea of TACO Story popped in my brain. Here is how it would go. You will need the following: paper plate, brown construction paper, green paper, red paper and yellow.
Fold the plate in half to look like this.
Take the brown construction paper and write Topic on it like in the image and cut.
Now take the green construction paper and write characters on it and cut to look like lettuce.
Take red construction paper and write Setting on it and cut wavy.
Last take yellow paper and write PLOT on it. and cut.
Now take all of the parts and layer to make your TACO.
Lastly, put all of it together and now you have a TACO Story!!!
Students will write in each part of the story for each ingredient in the taco to retell the story. I think students will have fun getting to make a TACO about their story!! You can use it in centers or guided reading. It would work well with common core.
I would love for you to leave a comment about this and let me know what you think. Please feel free to pin.
Technology Is Awesome
I am currently on my new MacBook Air that will sync my iPads for my classroom. It is so amazing how little something can be and be so amazing. Learning how to add apps and sync them to the iPads is a great experience. This will be an amazing resource for my classroom and STUDENTS!!!! These elements of technology will be a valuable asset for teaching 21st century skills. This is the technology generation and we must provide them the resources necessary to prepare them for their future here and globally. I am very excited about having these resources for my students to take advantage of in their learning. I have also been pinning technology pins on Pinterest that deal with technology and iPads. You can see my pins on my Pinterest account. Pinterest is a great place for loads of resources for educators. I have gain some value tools to use in my class this year. Here is to a great year with technology in your classroom.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Practice Some Facts
If you are in need of some cute flashcards for your students to practice their multiplication facts 0-9, then look no farther. You can get these cute flashcards right here from me. I made these for my students to use in 3rd grade this year. I hope it will very helpful to them. They can do alone or with a partner.

I am new to teaching third grade this coming school year after teaching 2nd grade the past 6 years. So it will be a change for me. I am trying to make things to use in third grade. SO please come back and check my store and blog for updates on room and products.

I am new to teaching third grade this coming school year after teaching 2nd grade the past 6 years. So it will be a change for me. I am trying to make things to use in third grade. SO please come back and check my store and blog for updates on room and products.
3rd grade,
flash cards,
Thursday, July 19, 2012
New Classroom
These are pictures of my new classroom after a fresh painting. I will be posting pictures as my room comes along. I am currently working on the plans and layout for this coming school year. I am excited about getting to start with a clean slate. I always love planning my classroom for a new school year. I am like a kid in a candy store with school supplies!!! Come back again and again to see the changes as they are made in the setup for my new 3rd grade classroom.
After lots of hard work it is finally finished!!! I love how it turned out. Now the fun stuff DECORATING!!! I am using the Dots on Turquoise. I picked my paint colors from the paisley design in the borders. My curtains are the green with dots. I am super excited to get busy with my new 3rd grade room.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Finding My Way in a Sea of Apps!
These past days during my training at Pinnacle, I have been having fun getting familiar with the iPad for my classroom. The people in my group are awesome. It was so valuable to meet them and be apart of this journey together. I have made some lifelong friends. We had the opportunity to share with each other apps that we thought would be great to use with our students. We only had the one iPad that is designated to the teacher but will have 5 more for students to use. It is so overwhelming, like a sea of apps that I am having to swim through to find what I feel will be the most beneficial to my students. Once I get my classroom roster, I will even have a better understanding of what apps can be most valuable for my 3rd graders. Many of these students I had the year before in 2nd grade. This will be important for me to already know how these students work and their knowledge of computers. I am super excited that the iPads will be a great asset to my classroom and most importantly for my students. I will post about the advantages of having them and the progress that my students achieve.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Technology In My School
ISTE Essential Conditions has 14 criteria that must be met to have success with technology integration in schools.
Shared Vision, Empowered Leaders, Implementation Planning, Consistent and Adequate Funding, Equitable Access, Skilled Personnel, Ongoing Professional Learning, Technical Support, Student-Centered Learning, Assessment and Evaluation, Engaged Communities, Support Policies, and Supportive External Context.
I feel that my school is working very hard to meet all these areas in technology. We definitely have a Shared Vision for our students. We are always having professional development in technology and we have SMARTboard in all our classrooms. We have 4 Pinnacle Leaders at my school that are in several grade levels and our Media Specialist. Our Tech. Support is awesome. I truly can say that if I have any technology issue, our TSS person is always there to help, lead and collaborate.
Yes, we can always use and need more computers and technology gadgets to increase the resources for students to utilize in their learning. Project-based learning will give students the ability to be in-charge of researching, retrieving and sharing information and knowledge with students and teachers.The way we approach learning and instruction is changing from the way it was in my generation. We as educators have to become increasing aware that we are not just teaching a lesson or concept but teaching the students of our future.
Shared Vision, Empowered Leaders, Implementation Planning, Consistent and Adequate Funding, Equitable Access, Skilled Personnel, Ongoing Professional Learning, Technical Support, Student-Centered Learning, Assessment and Evaluation, Engaged Communities, Support Policies, and Supportive External Context.
I feel that my school is working very hard to meet all these areas in technology. We definitely have a Shared Vision for our students. We are always having professional development in technology and we have SMARTboard in all our classrooms. We have 4 Pinnacle Leaders at my school that are in several grade levels and our Media Specialist. Our Tech. Support is awesome. I truly can say that if I have any technology issue, our TSS person is always there to help, lead and collaborate.
Yes, we can always use and need more computers and technology gadgets to increase the resources for students to utilize in their learning. Project-based learning will give students the ability to be in-charge of researching, retrieving and sharing information and knowledge with students and teachers.The way we approach learning and instruction is changing from the way it was in my generation. We as educators have to become increasing aware that we are not just teaching a lesson or concept but teaching the students of our future.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Summer Days
Well my summer will have many days of training and learning new things for this coming school year. This past Monday and Tuesday, I was at Common Core training for my county. Next week, I will be attending Pinnacle Training all week, then some more at end of month. Then at the end of July into August I have Apple Training. With all that said, today I enjoyed not having to be anywhere. I did go to the hair salon to get my hair fixed. My mind has a load of things running around in it. I have a ton of new things for teaching next year to go with common core that I have to get a grasp of. Also, being moved to a different grade level and not knowing the curriculum on top of all the new materials to teach, has my brain on overload. I will be so ready for a week at the beach next month and people say teachers have their summers off. They do not even know the amount of time that we teachers invest in our classrooms. I have to move my entire classroom to another hallway and room at my school. Decorate and set it up before orientation night. Meet with the teachers on my grade level whom which most are like myself, being moved to this grade level. We have a lot of work ahead of us.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Summer Plans
Summer is finally here for me. Today was my first day of summer break!!!! I intend to enjoy doing nothing for a few days. Next week I do have some training to attend and some throughout the summer off and on. But for the most part I am eager to relax and soak up some sun around the pool. We are going to the beach next month and whatever else we decide to do. I would love to hear about your exciting plans for summer.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Workdays and then summer here I come!
Hope your end of the school is near or already came. I have only 3 workdays and then I can begin summer break!!! I have had a great year with my second graders. It is always bitter sweet when I have to say good-bye on the last day of school. Now I have to get paper work completed and pack up my classroom for summer floor cleaning. I also was told that I am being moved to 3rd grade. So I will be including 3rd grade in on my blog. I am very anxious about this change. I have been in 2nd grade and the same classroom for 6 years. It has become very comfortable to me. I feel that this is the right time due to our county changing to Common Core this coming school year. So we all will be new to the curriculum and changes it offers. I have an awesome group of ladies that will be on the grade level with me. Once I have my new room setup and I have pacing guides and lesson made. I will then be ready to start a new year. One added bonus, I will hopefully have some of my students I had in 2nd grade in my 3rd grade class.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Facebook Page
Hi all and hope that your end of the school is coming successfully to an end. I am so ready for summer break but I have a lot of work ahead. Packing up room after finishing all of the paperwork. Training that I have to complete this summer for Common Core and Pinnacle. Then professional development at our Teaching and Learning Conference. My summer will be busy with all that and now I have decided to change up my classroom. It has been the same for 6 years. You can see the pictures in my classroom tour post below. So I in the stages of trying to figure out what I want it to be. I would love any suggestions, for a 2nd grade classroom. But for now, I would love for you to come check out my Super Second Graders Facebook page.
I am trying to post related items about school, teaching, teacher tips, links to other blogs, and facebook pages. I would love for you to comment on post and share your expertise with me. Hoping to hear from you in the near future. Best summer to all and happy teaching for next year!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Classroom Tour
Here are pictures of my classroom. I hope you can see them since I am not a professional photographer. I always love seeing pictures of other classrooms, so I hope you find some ideas that will help you with your class.
This picture shows my calendar and focus wall. The student of the day is in charge of calendar duties everyday. My principal loves to see student work hanging up in our rooms and I do too.
This is some of my computers and you can see part of my SMARTboard. Students use this area for computer center and blogging.
This is my reading nook. Students use this area for READING center and during SSR time. My books are leveled based on AR. The awesome baskets are from Really Good Stuff.
This is my white board and SMARTboard area. Students hang their bookbags on the hooks I have located under the white board. A great way to utilize space. I love not having bookbags on the floor.
This is the back wall of my classroom. I have my BAM tubs on the cart and centers located back in this area at the two lime green tables. Student work hangs on the back wall.
This picture shows my guided reading table along with our stained glass butterflies that the students made. We make a different one for each month or holiday. They are so pretty. This picture didn't turn out very well because of the sun shining in.
Well I guess you can tell that I have primary colors in my room, with a touch of pizazz with the lime green tables and curtains. I am wanting to change up my room but I do not want to paint. I will be working on a new theme over the summer and when I change, I will post pictures to show the transformation.
2nd grade,
class tour,
Monday, May 28, 2012
FREEBIE Matching Game
Come get this cute new FREE Matching game. This will be a great addition to any classroom. Use it in centers, small group, student who finish early activity. Just have fun with it. I am always wanting easy to make and use games for my students.
Come and see the rest of my freebies at my TpT store!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Top Teachers Memorial Day Salebration!!!
Come get some great resources for your classroom and students. Plan ahead for next year and be ahead of the game. Great items at GREAT prices!!!
Top Teacher's Memorial Day SALEabration!
20% off 5/27-5/28!
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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Ocean Unit
We have had a grand time learning about the ocean and all of the creatures in it. My students would create an ocean creatures that would go along with the stories each day and then would add them to their own personal ocean that was displayed on their desks. We read Mister Seahorse, A House for a Hermit Crab, One Tiny Turtle, Whales and Dolphins, and Coral Reef.
After the unit students got to take their own oceans home. The students had a blast creating them. I hope this will be something you will do with your students. I usually make one huge one to hang in the hallway but I decided on doing it this way. The students LOVE IT!!!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
End of school is near
It is always bitter sweet for me when the end of the school year rolls around. It seems like 180 days will take forever but blink and it is almost gone. I have noticed the older I get the faster the year goes by. What are you feelings about this school year coming to an end. Will you be HAPPY it is over, or will you be SAD? Post any thoughts you have about the ending. Also, share ways to prepare your classroom for the summer. I would love to have you share for all to see.
Monday, May 14, 2012
I need your Vote!!!
I received this nomination and would love for you to click on the image below to vote for my blog. I can win a great prize if I receive the most votes. Voting begins today, so come and share your support and VOTE, VOTE, AND VOTE. I appreciate your vote and for your visit to my blog. Happy blogging and come again.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mothers Day
To all the mothers out there, I wish you a Happy Mothers Day! Being a mother myself I know how much my mother has done for me all my life. I love being a mother. I have two beautiful daughters. I became a mother in 1995. My oldest is 17. Wow, it is so amazing how fast time goes by. Being a mother is a precious gift that I honor. Honor our mothers on this special day!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thank you to all the Teachers!!
Teachers without you where would we all be??? I know that becoming a teacher has be a journey that I love. Being in the classroom is where I fit. Teaching I think is in my blood. My students are so special to me and I look forward to going to work everyday. Not many people can say that. To celebrate teachers everywhere. I would love to give away one item from my store to teachers until FRIDAY!!! SO come and get this awesome new item that is normally $3.00 for FREE!!!!! It is my Cooking Up Some Words center activity. All I would love in return is for you to follow my blog and follow my TpT store. I am trusting all to be truthful and follow each. I am a teacher that is wanting to share my ideas and information with teachers just like me. Thank you to all that already follow my blog and store.
Thank you for being a teacher and working with the students that will be leaders of our future.

Monday, May 7, 2012
Come Vote!!!
I received this nomination for 2012 Most Fascinating Award for Elementary Teacher Blogs. Please come and vote to help my blog be the winner of the grand prize. I have loved being able to have this blog. I have found and met some great new friend that I have. Thank you for making me a part of this blogging world. Voting will begin on May 14th through May 21st. I would greatly appreciate your vote!!

activities blog,
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Saturday, Saturday, Did I Mention Its Saturday!
Hope all are getting rest and relaxation on this great weekend. Weekends always go by so fast. I always have my mind set on doing this and that and only get the this part accomplished. Tomorrow my oldest daughter will be 17! Wow the time does fly. It is great to see her turning into a women but I still love having her as my little girl. This time next year we will be getting ready for college and new changes in her life. I know that we have instilled in her the values and morals from a christian home.
Don't forget to check out the amazing sale that begins on Monday at TpT! Get amazing products for your classroom at a great price. I have items at 20% off and with the promo code TAD12 you will have a total savings of 28% off. Great time to buy those items to add to your classroom. I know I have my wish cart full!
Don't forget to check out the amazing sale that begins on Monday at TpT! Get amazing products for your classroom at a great price. I have items at 20% off and with the promo code TAD12 you will have a total savings of 28% off. Great time to buy those items to add to your classroom. I know I have my wish cart full!
Soon I will be adding pictures from the newest Donors Choose funded Project that I received. This is always an amazing resource to get projects funded for your students. This is a must for any teacher to go and check out. I have be appreciative of the two projects that I have received funded so far.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Thank You Teacher Appreciation Sale
The Teacher Appreciation Sale at TPT will be here on Monday, May 6 - 8th. My products will be on sale at 20% off and you will get an additional perecentage off with the Promo Code TAD12. That is a huge savings of 28% off! Come and get those items that are so useful for your classroom. These are items made by teachers for teachers. Spread the word about this great event. This is a THANK YOU to all of the teachers out there. I know that my cart is already full and ready to get AWESOME items to use in my class. You don't want to miss out on this.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Wow it is only Wednesday!
How was your Wednesday? I had a good day for the most part. Yesterday , we had our field day so we had a bit of work to catch up on. Needless to say, we got back on track for this weeks plans. I was able to plan out the rest of the school year with the minor details for our year end units. We got a lot accomplished today. I hope all have a great rest of the week and best teaching to all.
Monday, April 30, 2012
How Many Days Of School Are Left?
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of another year of school. We have 28 days of school left. It is always bitter sweet for me this time of year. Yes, I am ready for summer break but I will miss my students dearly. When the school year begins, it is so exciting. I love meeting my students for the first time. getting to build a relationship with them over the school year. My students are so special to me. They make such a difference in my job. I love being a teacher and I look forward to these last few days left with them. We have lots of work to complete before the school bell rings on that last day. Share with me your number of days left and how it makes you feel.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
End of the Year
What are things that you do to end the school year with your students? Do you have a year scrapbook, games, crafts, fun days? Let me hear about your events and activities so we all can share and learn from one another. I wish you all the best during the closing of another school year. It is always bitter sweet for me. What are your feelings as this school year ends? Are you glad it is over or totally gonna miss your students during the summer? Thanks for sharing and cant wait to see your comments. Happy End of the Year!!!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Top Teachers Blog Hop Giveaway!
It's Giveaway time and you are not going to believe this! Over 20 items up for grabs from AMAZING bloggers all over the USA! It's Top Teacher's Giveaway Galore!
Scooping Up Story Elements by Tonya of Super Second Graders: "This is a fun way for students to pick story elements to plan out a story. Students will pick a card from characters, setting, and plot and record then on the recording sheet. Students will use the chosen element to create a story. Students will have a blast getting to create fun and whimsical stories. " (1-4)
Sight Word Snap Cubes by Jennifer of Empowering Little Learners: "Looking for a fun new center for your kids? How about having them make the sight words with Snap Cubes! Use these cards to have your students count out blocks to create the letters and form the pre-primer sight words! Then they count how many cubes it took to make the words! Two recording sheets are included (one where students just count the snap cubes, and another where students count and write the word.)" (K-3)
Making Words with Blends by DeAnne of First Grade and Fabulous: "Making Words is a great activity to work on phoneme isolation, segmenting sounds, and blending sounds to make words. This packet includes Blends (with both short vowels and long vowels with silent e. You will find ten different making word directions which include their own recording sheets." (k-2)
Dolch Sight Words for Kindergarten by Lidia Barbosa of Kid’s Reading Activities: "Sight word cards in a fun theme. Use them in a center, small group or on your word wall. A word sorting activity is included." (K)
Center Signs in Spanish by Lidia Barbosa of Kinder Latino: "These are 24 colorful center signs in Spanish. It includes two sizes. One full page size plus small cards for your Centers pocket chart." (K)
Adding 3 Numbers Pack by Melissa of Dilly Dabbles: "Pack full of activities to support instruction on adding three numbers with sums within 20." (K-2)
Baseball Antonyms by Sally DeCost of Elementary Matters: "This is a game to practice antonyms. It has a baseball theme, and can be played like "Old Maid" or like "Concentration". It can be played with a pair of children, or a whole reading group.." (1 - 3)
Compound Word Magic Square for Grades 3, 4, & 5 by Heather of HoJo's Teaching Adventures: "This is a great fun puzzle where students need to match 24 compound words together. You will get three different puzzles with this item."(3-5)
Interactive Student Notebook by A Teacher's Treasure: "The ultimate alternative assessment & differentiating tool. Students will become creative, independent, reflective, thinkers, readers and writers. Students will be able to express their own ideas, process, and or apply the information and skills learned in this class. This notebook serves as a live journal, personalized textbook, and working portfolio. Engages learners of all learning modalities & multiple intelligences." (4-12)
Alphabet Writing: Quick Prompts From A to Z by Erin of Small Types: "Get students' pencils moving and their creativity flowing with these short alphabet-themed writing prompts. Students can write notes to friends, make lists, turn alphabet letters into main characters and describe the details in fictional adventures--All corresponding to the letters of the alphabet. (Includes five prompts for each letter to suit different levels and interests.)"
Fun on the Farm by Brian of Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings: "Here is a fun Farm Packet for primary grades. It includes Farm Rhyming Words - The words used are actually from the book Country Morning by Christine Lynn. Read more about it on my blog.
It also includes I Have Who Has Dolch Words, Addition and Subtraction Center. You can use them as concentration matching, go fish, etc. All, but the I Have Who Has, has a work sheet and an answer key to go with it! I hope you enjoy!" (K-2)
Geometry Fun: A Supplemental Unit by Mandy of Mandy's Tips for Teachers: "This 77 page packet includes vocabulary cards, a student dictionary, three games, two sorting activities, two creative art projects and a short assessment." (2-4)
Busy Teacher Forms by Michelle of Teach123 : "Fourteen forms to help busy teachers." (K-3)
Farm Math Work Station Activities numbers 11-20 by Mandy of A Special Kind of Class: "Seven math work station activities including, subtracting, counting, number recognition, number matching, measuring and 2 adding activities. Includes response sheets and answer keys." (K-1)
The Three Frogs by Arlene of LMN Tree: "This is an ELA Guided Reading and Writing Unit for Grades 1-2. It includes a complete lesson plan, Word Study, Make and Take Book, Graphic Organizers, Story Sequence Writing Activity, Phonics Worksheet, Writing, Chant and Activities.
Writing Center by Caitlin of Kindergarten Smiles: "I created these activities for my students writing center. They are all independent and fun! These can be used throughout the year (more than once). Activities range from name writing, to writing the globe, to sight word writing, to much, much, more!" (K-2)
I Spy With My Frog's Eye-A Differentiated Word Work Activity by Marsha of A Differentiated Kindergarten : " This is a differentiated I-Spy activity which includes 16 pages of CVC, CVCC and CVCe activities that are tiered to help you meet the readiness levels of all your students." (K-2)
Writing Lists by Nicole of Teaching With Style: "This set of 10 lists is perfect for using during Daily 5. In my classroom, if students choose Work on Writing, they can work on their story from Writer's Workshop, start a new story, write a letter to a friend, or write a list. " (K-3)
Digital Clock Sorting Game by Jennifer of Best Practices 4 Teaching: "This product allows students to sort digital clocks by 'quarter til', 'quarter of', 'quarter after', etc. Students will quickly see the pattern of the times and commit it to memory! In 2 days, all of my students had learned this concept using this sort whereas the lesson in our math kit totally confused them!"
Synonym-Antonym Rap Packet by Abby of Third Grade Bookworm: "This packet is full of activities for a 2nd or 3rd grade classroom studying synonyms and antonyms.
Students will enjoy the Synonym-Antonym Rap, partner game, buddy reading activity and other printables included in this set. Wrap it all up with a cute class book template that can be used with other units in the future!" (2-3)
Early Elementary Science - Human Body Unit with Literacy Math by Lisa of The Lesson Guide: "This Early Elementary Science based Anatomy Unit will teach students about the Human Body (inside and out) with colorful graphics and diagrams using a variety of Literacy and Math skills. This unit includes Measurement Skills, an original Poem with a Get Moving Analysis, Information/Facts about each Body Part with Vocabulary, Templates for students to create a nonfiction book about their body, Full color pictures of body parts and locations of body parts, a Classification and Math graphing activity with Critical Thinking Analysis, a Unit Project/Human Diagram, a Word Wall Classification activity with Phrase Cards, Resources and more!" (K-2)
Building Popcorn Words by Krissy of Mrs. Miner's Monkey Business: "This product includes weekly cut, build, and glue activities that follow along with my Monkey Popcorn Word Fun Unit as well as the Treasures series word list (which includes many Dolch and other HFW as well). It also has center materials that students can build the words in a pocket chart." (K-1)
The Answer is… What’s the Question? Math Task Cards by Michelle of Making It As A Middle School Teacher: "28 numbered cards that leave the level of difficulty and specific math skill to be assessed up to you! Some students may only do basic operations, while other students may be required to do more advanced skills and give more details for their answers. Two student response options are also included!! Use for early finishers, have the whole class complete in Round Robin style, or use as a center. Or use all 28 cards." (5-8)
David Shannon Author Study by Mary of Sharing Kindergarten: "This is an 80 page author study using the books of David Shannon. It features 8 book. Each book title has a reading comprehension game, answer key, and writign prompts with it. " (K-1)
Candy Land Long Vowel Game by Mel D of Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations: "This unique game is one of over 50 games I have to offer! Over 18 pages of long vowel words are on "look-alike" Candy Land cards. All you need is a game board & game pieces. Print, laminate & cut & use for years to come. These games can be used during Daily 5, tutoring, literacy stations, Daily 5 Math, RTI, ELL, Title 1 groups, homeschooling & more! The possibilities are endless!" (K-3)
A Not So Wimpy Resource: Fractions, Decimals & Percents Using Money by Kathie of The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher : "This resource is great for differentiating instruction. Help struggling students, or those who have a difficult time with math concepts, understand fractions using money. This resource includes an info sheet, practice sheet, flashcards, and a bingo board." (3-5)
Again, CLICK HERE to win my product before APRIL 27th. Winner will be announced on April 28th!
Sooping Up Story Elements by Tonya of Super Second Graders: "This is a fun way for students to pick story elements to plan out a story. Students will pick a card from characters, setting, and plot and record then on the recording sheet. Students will use the chosen element to create a story. Students will have a blast getting to create fun and whimsical stories. " (1-4)
And then hop on over to these great blogs to enter to win their free products too!
The WINNER is Christina Aronen # 7 I will be sending your prize to your email!!!!

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Then stop by these great BLOGS, look for this same post and enter to win their free products with them!
(Please note there is a link to the product and blog, you will want to visit their blog to enter.)
(Please note there is a link to the product and blog, you will want to visit their blog to enter.)

It also includes I Have Who Has Dolch Words, Addition and Subtraction Center. You can use them as concentration matching, go fish, etc. All, but the I Have Who Has, has a work sheet and an answer key to go with it! I hope you enjoy!" (K-2)

Students will enjoy the Synonym-Antonym Rap, partner game, buddy reading activity and other printables included in this set. Wrap it all up with a cute class book template that can be used with other units in the future!" (2-3)

Again, CLICK HERE to win my product before APRIL 27th. Winner will be announced on April 28th!

And then hop on over to these great blogs to enter to win their free products too!
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